Garo: Soukoku no Maryu is a Japanese film that released on February 23, 2013, and serves as an epilogue to Garo: Makai Senki. Ryosei Konishi was initially the only confirmed member of the cast, but Ray Fujita, Shouma Yamamoto, Ozuno Nakamura, Yukijirō Hotaru, Hironobu Kageyama, and Hiroyuki Watanabe were later confirmed to appear in the film. The guest stars in the film are Yuki Kubota, Anna Aoi, Tetsuya Yanagihara, and Keiko Matsuzaka. The catchphrase for the movie is Save the Object World.
After the events of Garo: Makai Senki, Kouga Saezima appears before Gajari to honor the pact he forged in order to stop Sigma Fudō from killing all the Makai Knights. Kouga is given the task to travel to the Promised Land to retrieve a part of Gajari: the Fang of Sorrow. However, upon his arrival into the Forest of Chaos, Kouga finds himself without his coat and Zaruba nowhere to be seen before seeing the Garoken turned into the Red Dog before running off. Confronting a group of tin knights called Swordmen of the Wind escorting a picture frame, Kouga obtains a sword when they are attacked by a formless monster, a Nanashi. Once the two surviving knights run off, Kouga sees a blue skinned girl emerging from the picture frame.
Publication Information
- Title : Garo : Soukoku no Maryu
- Directed by : Keita Amemiya
- Written by : Keita Amemiya
- Produced by :
- Natsui Kanako
- Hirofumi Yamabe
- Hiyoshi Mamada
- Music by : Shunji Inoue
- Cinematography : Akira Nishioka
- Edited by : Tomoki Nagasaka
- Production company : Tohokushinsha Film
- Distributed by : Tohokushinsha Film
- Release date : February 23, 2013
- Running time : 96 minutes
- Country : Japan
- Language : Japanese
- Kouga Saezima / Golden Knight Garo : Hiroki Konishi
- Kaoru Mitsuki : Mika Hijii
- Rei Suzumura / Zero the Silver Fanged Knight : Ray Fujita
- Jabi / Makai Priest : Yasue Sato
- Madou Ring Zaruba (Voice) : Hironobu Kageyama
- Reo Fudō, Sigma Fudō / Makai Priest / Makai Knight : Ozuno Nakamura
- Taiga Saezima : Hiroyuki Watanabe
- Madō Necklace Silva / Madō Ring Eruba, Madō Mirror Uruba (Voice) : Ai Orikasa
- Tsubasa Yamagatana / Dan the Midnight Sun Knight : Shouma Yamamoto
- Madō Bracelet Goruba (Voice) : Kenichi Ogata
- Rekka : Mary Matsuyama
- Wataru Shijima / Baron the Thunder Knight : Kenji Matsuda
- Rin Yamagatana : Yuzumi Shibamoto
- Kakashi : Yuki Kubota
- Meru : Anna Aoi
- Judam : Keiko Matsuzaka
- Gajari (Voice) : Ryūzaburō Ōtomo
- Kiria (Voice) : Yukijirō Hotaru
- Esaruto (Voice) : Tetsuya Yanagihara
- Kuromaru, Raudo (Voice) : Yukari Okuda
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Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / garo.wikia