The One Who Shines in the Darkness is a Japanese tokusatsu television series. that premiered on April 5, 2013, on TV Tokyo. Written and directed by Makoto Yokoyama, Yami o Terasu Mono is the third television series in the Garo series, but exists in a different continuum. The catchphrase for the series, referred to as the Vol City Chapter, is Get back your gold.
The last Golden Knight Garo had fallen and the armor is now secretly hidden within an unknown island, protected by Makai Priest Hakana and Burai. The Garo armor has since lost its golden shine, a sign that its power has weakened. Fearing the potential arrival of stronger enemies, the two priests vowed to revive the power of Garo for the sake of the world. The plan for bringing back Garo requires two essential things: the restored golden shine of Garo and a strong Makai Knight to own the power. Hakana had a son, Ryuga, and volunteered her boy for Burai to raise and train into a Makai Knight; Hakana will search for a means to restore Garo’s lost shine. However, the mission goes terribly wrong. The priests believed that the armor is weakening and requires a special material to re-energize the armor: the Seedlings of Zedom. An ancient and powerful Horro.
Publication Information
- Title : Garo : The One Who Shines in the Darkness
- Japanese : 牙狼 闇を照らす者
- Known as : Garo : Yami o Terasu Mono
- Created by Keita Amemiya
- Written by :
- Itaru Era
- Makoto Yokoyama
- Kei Taguchi
- Hisako Fujihira
- Sumiko Umeda
- Directed by :
- Makoto Yokoyama
- Ryu Kaneda
- Akihito Shimoda
- Mitsuyoshi Abe
- Yoshiomi Umetsu
- Voices of : Hironobu Kageyama
- Theme music composer :
- Yoshichika Kuriyama
- Shiho Terada
- Composer : Shunji Inoue
- Country of origin : Japan
- Original language : Japanese
- No. of episodes : 25
- Production company :
- Omnibus Japan
- Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
- Original network : TV Tokyo
- Original release : April 5 – September 20, 2013
- Preceded by : Garo : Makai Senki
- Followed by : Garo : Makai no Hana
Originally, Rian was supposed to be a guardian over the ancient Makai ruins until new protectors can watch over the site. However, she has romantic feelings for Ryuga and had Aguri watch over the ruins until someone replaces him. While Aguri privately trains and protects the ruins, Rian travels with Ryuga as his personal Makai Priestess. Their journey doesn't end here as new stories unfold in the events of Gold Storm Flight.
- Ryuga - Download Torrents
- Gold wave - Download Torrents
- Dungeon - Download Torrents
- Dream - Download Torrents
- Nightmare - Download Torrents
- Rock - Download Torrents
- Dining - Download Torrents
- Scoop - Download Torrents
- Sonshi - Download Torrents
- Promise - Download Torrents
- Desire - Download Torrents
- Trap - Download Torrents
- Hunting - Download Torrents
- Hyena - Download Torrents
- Hint - Download Torrents
- Lost - Download Torrents
- Tousei - Download Torrents
- War - Download Torrents
- Hope - Download Torrents
- Mother - Download Torrents
- Justice - Download Torrents
- Master - Download Torrents
- Gold - Download Torrents
- Future - Download Torrents
- Beginning - Download Torrents
- Garo : Goldstorm Sho : will be both a film and a television series that serve as sequels to Garo : The One Who Shines in the Darkness.
- Ryuga Dougai : Wataru Kuriyama
- Rian : Miki Nanri
- Aguri Kusugami : Tsunenori Aoki
- Takeru Jakuzure : Junya Ikeda
- Burai : Kohei Otomo
- Enhou : Hiroko Sato
- Rivera : Kumi Imura
- Sonshi : Yasuaki Kurata
- Hakana : Megumi Yokoyama
- Tousei Kaneshiro : Kanji Tsuda
- Madō Ring Zaruba (Voice) : Hironobu Kageyama
Opening themes
- Theme of Yami o Terasu Mono
- Composition : Yoshichika Kuriyama, Shiho Terada
- Episodes : 1-12, 24
- Isshokusokuhatsu ~Trigger of Crisis~
- Lyrics & Composition: Hironobu Kageyama
- Arrangement: Yoshichika Kuriyama, Shiho Terada
- Artist : JAM Project
- Episodes : 13-23 (In episode 24, it is used as the ending theme)
- So Long
- Composition & Arrangement : Yūji Toriyama
- Lyrics & Artist : Kohei Otomo
- Episodes : 1-12, 22
- Lyrics & Composition : Masami Okui
- Arrangement : Yoshichika Kuriyama, Shiho Terada
- Artist : JAM Project featuring Masami Okui
- Episodes : 13-21, 23
- Brave Heart
- Composition & Arrangement : Yūji Toriyama
- Lyrics & Artist : Kohei Otomo
- Episodes : 25